Welcome Baby Logan Paul
Newborn | Homer, NY

On February 25, 2021, Logan Paul entered the world at 8lb 9oz and 22 inches long. Because of Covid-19, his parents understandably wanted to take extra precautions before introducing him to new people. About 4 weeks after Logan was born, I was so excited to head back down to Homer to finally meet this tiny, perfect, handsome, little human. When I first laid eyes on him I instantly fell completely and hopelessly in love! 😍

Over the next couple of hours, I had the pleasure of capturing his tiny toes, his bright blue eyes, his many facial expressions, details of his nursery, some adorable outfits, and the love that so clearly surrounded him. These sweet moments of him during his first month of life with his mom and dad, now memories they all can look back on for years to come. Later we got the whole family together, including Trax and Winnie, Logan’s older four-legged siblings for a group shot. 

I can’t wait to visit again and watch as Logan grows up before our eyes, all too quickly I’m sure! 

Behind the Scenes – At first Logan wasn’t a huge fan of his new super adorable outfit, but a few minutes with daddy and he was out like a light and ready for some close ups 🙂


The expressions this kid makes already cracks me up. Here he is questioning why his parents are making him do this photoshoot 😂

Trying to get Trax and Winnie to cooperate for a family photo proved to be a little difficult – Winnie wanted her own shot with her new brother, while Trax was more interested in playing. Eventually they both reluctantly looked towards the camera.

It was such a pleasure to be able to capture these for you guys – you make such an adorable family!

Congratulations again – I’m SO happy for you two and excited to watch Logan grow up!