Porter Family | McGraw, NY | Family Photography

Back again for my yearly visit to the lovely Porter family for their family photography session! The boys were full of energy and excited to have their picture taken. We got a few formals inside and a little playtime in with Dad, and then headed outside to play in the leaves. It was a bit cooler than it looked so we ended up having to bundle up a bit, but we still had a good time throwing around the leaf piles and sneaking in a few more group portraits. As you can see Alex was quite excited; his first football game was later that day so instead of saying “Cheese” before I snapped a photo, he was yelling “FOOOOTBAAALLLLL!” I thought it was hilarious and of course adorable 🙂 We finished up the day warming up with some hot cocoa.
Family Photography - Porter FamilyPorterFamily_102415_FormalsFamily Photography - Porter Family 2Family Photography - Porter Family 3Family Photography - Porter Family 4

Oh, and in case anyone needed proof that Stacy definitely does help out with raking the lawn, here’s some evidence! 😉
Family Photography - Stacy Raking

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