Nadine | Homer High School Senior

This here is Nadine, a senior from Homer High School, and she is awesome! Not only is she gorgeous, but she also does it all…lacrosse, skiing, soccer and she even plays a little guitar! AND one of her favorite bands is the Beatles, can she be any cooler?! Plus, I’m so jealous of that hair – beautiful! So glad the weather cooperated for us so we were able to do this outside!

NadineBlog_1 NadineBlog_2 NadineBlog_3 NadineBlog_4 NadineBlog_5 NadineBlog_6 NadineBlog_7When her father contacted me for this shoot, neither of us had any idea that he had gone to high school with my parents, talk about a small world! Good luck next year Nadine!